Level 3 assumes that you have completed Level 2 or have a good pass at GCSE. The course builds and expands upon those structures/tenses covered at level 2, thus providing the student with a wider range of grammar and lexis. The course will develop speaking, writing, reading and listening skills, thereby enabling the learner to communicate more proficiently in a variety of real-life situations abroad. Students will be exposed to the target language as much as possible in class, together with a range of authentic materials and references to French culture, both past and present.
- Course Leader: Danielle Bishop
The course introduces some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in Korea. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading

A package of Academic English Language Development resources for staff and students.
- Course Leader: Helen Bowstead

This course provides training on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller inclusion. The training gives learners information and tools they can use to support Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities and individuals. The training will inform good practice for inclusion of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers.
- Course Leader: Katie Mcbride
- Teacher: Zoe James
- Teacher: Justin Malewezi
- Teacher: Chris Pac-Soo
- Teacher: Emma Taylor
- Teacher: Jinny Uppington

The French Level 2 Twilight course will assume that students have either completed level 1 or have a pass at GCSE. The course will develop communicative competence improving students’ ability to establish social and working relations with speakers of French, to introduce key aspects of French culture, and to handle useful routine writing and reading tasks.
This course will cover the use of French as a means of communication in such situations as may be encountered during daily life or during a period of temporary work in a French speaking country. Vocabulary, grammar and independent learning strategies will be presented for the student to help build a strong foundation for continued French language acquisition beyond this module.
- Teacher: Danielle Bishop

This course will assume that students have either completed level 1 or have a pass at GCSE. The course will develop communicative competence improving students’ ability to establish social and working relations with speakers of Spanish, to introduce key aspects of Spanish culture, and to handle useful routine writing and reading tasks.
This module will cover the use of Spanish as a means of communication in such situations as may be encountered during daily life or during a period of temporary work in a Spanish speaking country. Vocabulary, grammar and independent learning strategies will be presented for the student to help build a strong foundation for continued Spanish language acquisition beyond this module.

- Course Leader: Ricky Lowes

The course introduces some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in Spain. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading basic materials that introduce grammatical structures which will facilitate manipulation of the language. By the end of the course students will be able to use both the present and the future tense in Spanish. Elements of Spanish culture will be incorporated into the classes to support the topics listed below in the provisional schedule.
Spanish Level 1 assumes no previous knowledge of the language.
- Teacher: Danielle Bishop

This course introduces some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in France. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading basic materials that introduce grammatical structures which will facilitate manipulation of the language. By the end of the course students will be able to use both the present and the future tense in French. Elements of French culture will be incorporated into the classes to support the topics listed below in the provisional schedule.
This course assumes no previous knowledge of the language.
- Teacher: Danielle Bishop

This course introduces some of the basic structures of the language through topics related to everyday life in China. The focus is on listening, speaking and reading basic materials that introduce grammatical structures which will facilitate manipulation of the language. An aspect/aspects of Chinese culture will be incorporated into each class.
This course assumes no previous knowledge of the language.
- Teacher: Danielle Bishop
- Teacher: Shan Qiu